Autistic people of Reddit, what is autism really like?

What does this sentence say?


What emotion is this woman expressing?

Being autistic is like being born into a world where everyone knows how to read Japanese automatically, and there is no way to learn Japanese on your own because there are no textbooks. All you can do is trial and error your way through.

I'm a functioning member of society. I can tell that Scarlett Johansson is smiling in that picture. I can even tell she's doing something extra (it's not just a smile, she's not just happy), but even with all the therapy I've had, how good I am at memorizing things and focusing on this in particular, I still have no idea what she's trying to signal there.

Especially when I was younger people would often get angry at me and I had no idea why. I realize now I must have been violating some social norm or other, but even going back over the memories it's hard to tell what those norms were. No one tells you explicitly, everyone is expected to just know. It hasn't happened in a couple of years, but that's probably because of how much earlier instances have influenced my behavior.

It's not great.

/r/AskReddit Thread