Aver(ule)age R(ule)ap hater(ule)

I'm sorta weebish so I'll explain at least what I think the cause is. A lot of alt right and Conservative types think Japan is "anti woke" and that's kind of true in the sense that due to their old af population a lot of politicians are super Conservative, although the creative people who make manga and anime and stuff like that do tend to be more progressive.

For example One Piece, one of the most popular manga, has themes of personal freedom and is heavily anti-authoritarian and has very diverse characters, including drag Queens, trans characters and there's even a character based on Tim curry's character from rocky horror picture show whose power is literally controlling hormones and can even change people's gender. The fact that one piece is super popular and has been ongoing for 25 years to me at least means that younger people in Japan are a bit more progressive or at least aren't against diversity but somehow the alt right edge Lord types don't realise this because they only have a superficial view of Japanese culture.

/r/196 Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it