Bad Side Effects of a Sexually Needy Man (Topic on Masturbation Porn Addiction Problems)

a males obsessed with big tits" wat

Think about it, @geo930...

It goes like this: early adolescent fresh teen boys who got attracted to crushes (from the face down to her ass) from the start created love life fantasy. To get the woman of dream that leads to oneitis, he'll do some usual gentleman shit like flowers and being too polite. There is also chance to get fantasized in early sexual wet dreams next to guy who obsessed with watching hentai (sometimes sadistic) depending on that young guy's personality.

It is nice to have a crush but only in highschool days since obsession or being too infatuated gets lost in the direction for your mind at times. However, sometimes, if it's too much will lead to alienation or being socially awkward without awareness. I had that kind of experience when I was in the beta days.

Today's men as far as I know are completely prone to this temptation hype and some beta parents usually do religious moral as the only basic discipline from the start but not necessary.

/r/TheRedPill Thread Parent