The Banner is not nice

I am 5’9, female, and between 182-185 lbs actually, making me around 20 lbs overweight. I’m not skinny or average sized, like you assumed. Also, I’m just trying to be helpful. My goal is to get to 155 by August/September. I looked up my TDEE, which yes, is resting calories. I mathematically figured out how many calories I would have to eat per week (or burn, which would roughly equate to 1 hour on the elliptical 5-6 days a week from now until the last week in August with no major dietary changes) in order to lose 30 lbs in ~5 months. I was just offering to help. I said no opinions and was not judging you. I am actually making the complete opposite statement: everyone’s bodies work really differently, different people burn different amount of calories and those differences must be taken into account to figure out how to create a deficit and lose a specific amount of weight. The only way to lose weight is by burning more calories than you consume, which can look many different ways and be accomplished using many different strategies. Everyone responds differently to various activities, diets, lifestyle changes, exercise habits/routines, ways of tracking, etc. Finally, do you truly believe 100 grams of fluid ways more than 100 grams of fat?

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