The Basement King's Curse

Ah, yes. One time, playing some SC2 casually with friends, and getting my button-mashing ass kicked by button mashing friends, I decided to actually learn the game. I picked Taki, because ninjas are cool. That quickly seemed like a mistake*. Taki has no range, and many of her attacks have deceptively slow startup. Just knowing Taki's move list is no match for knowing how to press one of three buttons with Nightmare, because SC2. My friends made fun of me for trying to learn a character and still getting my ass kicked, and didn't accept my explanation of Taki's weaknesses. So I went back to training mode and memorized all her moves, and when to use them, and how to string them together. Taki doesn't have much for range or damage, but she does have tools for getting in on people and comboing them. So I practiced, until I could throw out moves at will and had a feel for the range and timing. I started not getting bodied. I also learned every other character's movesets - not well enough to play them, but well enough to recognize their moves. And then one day, I wiped the floor with my friends. Over and over. They were lucky to take a single round. And then they never wanted to play SC2 with me again.

* To this day, Taki still has my favorite move set, so that turned out to be a good pick. Though I do still miss SC2 Taki.

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