A Basic Income for Everybody [48:11] - Belgian documentary about the history of basic income and how it could be applied today -- basic income is a long-standing idea that's gaining lots of traction all over the world in the past few years.

It's explaining what it is. It's in no way 'poor.' It does what it can with the time block it was given.

For the first half it essentially points out how great it would be if everone had basic economic security and more money.

It has to explain what basic income is. That's what the documentary is about.

No shit. No one is arguing against that.

Actually a lot of people are, including people interviewed in the documentary. And from your saltiness, sounds like you're against it, as well.

In the second half it kind of breaks down how it would be paid for, but too quickly and without enough detail.

A 48-minute Belgian documentary isn't going to explain how basic income would work in the USA. Guy Standing, the economist interviewed in many parts of this, has single lectures that last close to 2 hours. Those have more data.

Check /r/basic income or read some of these articles for more info -- don't just close your mind because the intentionally broad made-for-tv documentary wasn't super in-depth.










I don't understand your type -- you write it off and ignore it entirely just because it can't be applied immediately. Very sad.

Can it really be paid for? I'm not sure that it can, but even if it can be... 2

We have over 120 bloated bureaucratic federal welfare programs and even more at the state and local level. Eliminating all of those and the salaries/benefits of the majority of the employees (who are there to ensure that these programs aren't taken advantage of) would make a huge dent.

Taxes, of course. The money would have to come from somewhere, but we've gone to war when we couldn't afford it and nobody seemed to mind.

Someone is getting taxed heavily for this. Who is it? 3. Why should they have to pay for someone else to do, if they want, nothing?

Not that heavily taxed. Oh, and they're already being taxed and paying for the welfare programs that haven't been working for 35 years. We're all paying taxes for those.

Taxes are here either way, and you don't seem to understand what UBI is even though you said you watched the documentary. Something tells me you were so committed to your own 'knowledge' that you didn't watch it intelligently and without bias.

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