Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Special Promo Trailer)

Ok so some of these things might be half remembered, I saw it in theaters and never again since then, so this is what I remember thinking about and talking about with the people I saw it with (youre right, one loved it. The other hated it too, so pretty divisive):

I really didn't think Henry Cavill was a good choice. He looks the part, but that's it I think - no emotion, no complexity (I know there was supposed to be, but he didn't pull it off AT ALL for me), just a pretty man in a suit.

The ending fight was just too ridiculous. I mean they leveled an entire city, and caused massive amounts of damage to the world as a whole. Over the top, busting through a building (over and over and over - how many buildings did they bust through...oh look...they're doing it again in these new trailers!).

Lois Lane was made to seem important, but never really felt important. Stupid Nikon product placement too.

Zod was alright, I liked the actor who portrayed him, and I ended up liking Zod a hell of a lot more than no-personality Superman.

CGI bonanza all throughout the movie. Those first trailers made it seem like we were getting a Christopher Nolan, intellectual and subtle treatment of Superman. I was super excited, I was expecting it to be in the vein of his Batman movies.

Then it turned out to be a typical superhero CGI massive battles blahfest with what could have been a good story, if it wasnt peppered by awful lines and awful deliveries like : "You're a monster Zod, and I'm gonna stop you." tell him Superman...

The tone was ALL over the place. It was like they had 3 different cinematographers and directors. They'd go from massive alien battles with meaningless action and popcorn fest feeling, to weird, quasi-artsy shots of clotheslines and shit like that. And those shots were even worse, because it felt like what a high school sophomore would shoot as "deep art".

I don't know, it just really rubbed me the wrong way. I could go into much more depth and detail if I watched it again, but I really would rather not. Sorry this isn't very well written or organized, I'm on mobile and in a bit of a rush!

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