Becoming a teacher (as an introvert)

Being an introvert is definitely a disadvantage in this career. Sometimes I regret going into teaching, but when I did, I had no idea what being an introvert meant or that I was one.

Introverts can be very outgoing when needed- so the actual act of standing in front of a class and presenting the material isn’t the issue.

The energy drain is. You will be interrupted about 7000 times a day. You will rarely ever get a moment of quiet. You will be asked constant- CONSTANT- questions to the point where you will physically tense up the second you hear the word: “Miiiissssssssss!” There is always noise and mayhem and even when you eat lunch, there will be colleagues chatting and socializing with you.

You know that feeling when you’ve gone to a party and talked to tons of people all night and you get home and you are so exhausted even when you had a good time? Times that exhaustion by 10 and know that you will feel that way every day.

You will not want to talk to your partner or spouse or kids when you get home. You will not have the energy to see your friends on a Friday. You will likely be too tired to exercise and all of that exhaustion and the way it will impact your personal life will also start to affect your mental health.

If you are an introvert, I would not necessarily avoid a career in education, but I would honestly avoid being a regular classroom teacher in a typical, busy, loud, chaotic school.

Tutoring, working in small classes (such as ESL like others have suggested), alternative schools, education consulting, instructional design, edTech jobs, etc... Those would all be a much better match for an introvert.

Ultimately, this is just my opinion from one introvert to another who has been teaching for 15 years. It isn’t impossible (clearly I did it for a long time) but I am currently on stress leave and have felt burnt out for many, many years and am now actively looking to become an ESL teacher or alternative school teacher for all the reasons I listed above.

Good luck! You will still be an amazing teacher if you choose the traditional route- just a very tired one! ;)

/r/Teachers Thread