Blanket rant about coaches and football...

What does UIL mean? Are you paid to be the Lacrosse Coach? And yes, I understand that if you ARE paid to be the Coach it is a pittance compared to what other Coaches are paid (Football for example). I’m just trying to understand your situation. I have coached and sponsored various teams and clubs throughout my career, some paid and some strictly volunteer, so I am trying to understand your situation. Additionally, is the AV work for the football team something that your students do as part of their class activities, or is it something that you are expected to do on your own?

As for the PD, in my state in the U.S. it is not paid as it is part of our contract. We are required to do 24 hours. If Admin mandates PD over 24 hours then they are supposed to pay us a stipend.

/r/Teachers Thread