Is there anything more deranged in the American mind than people who prefers circumcised dicks

what was a usually part of ritualistic blood-sacrifice manhood-initiation process is now a rite of passage for the newborn american male. it is a good thing. it tethers us to our prehistory. it exposes a fresh mind to extreme pain that if it can endure will harden it, make it more resilient. this is how the american warrior class is made. this is where the hyper masculine "wild man" archetype comes from. it is where the rage, the spirit, is born; at the cutting of flesh and bleeding of blood.

i believe this is what fundamentally underscores the difference between european and american men. even from similar socioeconomic backgrounds, you will usually notice more bitch-like, pussy-esque behavior from the euro. crying in public. loudly talking about poetry in public. making eye contact with men on the street. unable to hit a full strength vape without dying. complains about how artificial everything coughing for half an hour. scared of trucks and loud cars. cannot handle going fast on the freeway. unwillingness to die for their country. lack of scars, healed fractures, facial hair. lack of stories about almost dying in the woods as a child. overeducated. and it all boils down to what they have in their pants; an un-traumatised penis, an unblemished mind. pathetic.

/r/redscarepod Thread