It's been said before but it needs to be said again: It's not your teammate's fault that you can't rank up

I promise that's not the case. No matter what your rank- if you are actually playing at a higher level than your competition, you will rank up. If you're not ranking up, it's YOU bro.

And then it has to be said once again, every single time this thread pops up that sometimes teammates are actually performing badly and make some really stupid mistakes that end up costing the game. Or giving up or forfeiting. It's not their fault right? I hate this "we can't blame anyone but ourselves mentality" because it will inadvertently make you play worse because you keep blaming yourself and then you try to change the way you play to make up for those mistakes but half the time the mistake wasn't even on your part, so you have a ton of bad habits to get rid of because you keep trying to compensate for teammates mistakes. Teammates can hold the team back. I think a better point to make is to never insult or call out a teammate mid match, most of them will know that they made a mistake and calling them out only creates tension between teammates.

/r/RocketLeague Thread