Beginner Starting Lessons: Should I learn classical music?

Hey OP. I'm drunk, but I will answer your question better than any one else. Please read this.

When I was young, my parents forced me to play piano. I took lessons every week, and had to practice based on my parents' schedule.

I was a little shit. I didn't practice, I did what I wanted. I pleased my parents, mind you (my mother was the main only person who made me practice), but there were definitely moments where my mom was entirely distraught. She actually kicked me at one point!!! (I'm 6'6", she's like 5'nothing so don't worry, I kind of felt bad for not listening to her). I did my practicing, however, and was "naturally talented" based on what people said.

Lol. "Naturally Talented". I definitely picked up on musical notes better than most of my peers, but I definitely did not put in the time. I still grew with them, grew on their grade level, as mine own.

Eventually, I came across a time where, I didn't realize...........

I was good at piano. I could play pieces that I wanted.

Wait, my parents are still busting my balls. I'm in Grade 8 now, but have only took 1 examination between 1 and 8 (it was 6, I did ok). I was completely thrown out. How the fuck can you just decide to take a grade examination when you haven't taken the one before it!?!!@?!@?!??@! (I TOOK 6, NOT 7... HOW THE FUCK CAN I TAKE 8?!)

It seems so silly now.

Now that I have found THE SITE YOU ARE LOOKING FOR, I actually am DRIVEN to learn songs. Earlier, mom kicked my butt telling me to learn scales and shit. Now, I learn songs on my own to make me, and other people, happy.

What I haven't learned is this.... Scales are fucking super important. Drunk me is going to post a novel, but here goes:

I learned This Song this summer, and let me tell you, I haven't perfected it.

Why haven't I perfected it?! I have mastered the octaves (it's 3 parts in the song, listen closely, and the 3rd time its separated notes). I have mastered the first part. I have mastered the part after the octaves. What I havent mastered....

The actual A Major Scale. The consistency is where I'm off. I can't actually keep a Tempo anymore after not playing for so long. This is where I can't stress my point enough. Scales are important as songs, which are just important as songs you want to learn. It's like a magical triangle. Without scales/chords/arpeggios, you can't have a song. And without a song, you can't have a video game song.

My drunken stupidness is trying to get my point out, but seriously sir, please understand my point of view

Edit1: This was such a long post, I am going to edit it immediately, the EDIT 2 so it makes sense. Thanks for your time OP :)

/r/piano Thread