Content for those new to LOA

The Law of Attraction is essentially, what you put out, is what you get back. What you put out is your vibration. And your vibration, is also your thoughts. So, whatever thoughts you are thinking, you will receive manifestations that reflect the essence of your vibration. Everything is energy, and has its own vibration, or frequency. And, the Law of Attraction brings like vibrations, or frequencies, together.

What is important to remember is that every subject is really two subjects: What is wanted and the lack of it. And you know which you are focused on by how you feel.

If you feel good, you are focused on what you want.

If you do not feel good, you are focused on the lack or absence of what you want.

So, when you think of a subject, let's say relationships, and if you are single and it does not feel good to think about relationships, all that means is you are more aware of the lack of a relationship (i.e. not having a relationship) in your life, than feeling good about a relationship. And so, since your awareness is on the lack of a relationship, you will continue to attract a lack of a relationship.

The Importance of Emotions and Your Guidance System

Your emotions, how you feel, are your indicators of whether your thoughts are (in this moment) in, or out of alignment, and whether you are attracting what you want, or attracting what you don't want. And when you begin to shift your thoughts from the lack of what you want, to what you want, your emotions will have an equal shift from not feeling good, to feeling better and feeling relief.

So, if you feel good, you are attracting and allowing what you want into your life.

If you do not feel good, you are offering resistance to what you do want, and attracting what you don't want. And this gives you the heads up that you want to shift your thoughts to other thoughts that feel a little better than the thoughts you were previously thinking, and the relief you feel lets you know that you are allowing and attracting what you want.

Your emotions are your Guidance System, your personal GPS, to let you know whether the thought you are thinking is in or out of alignment with who-you-really-are, and whether you are attracting what you want or the lack of what you want. Your emotions provide very useful information 24/7, to help you get into feeling good and be in alignment. And when you talk about the Law of Attraction, your emotions, your Guidance System, is important in the discussion, as without it you cannot make sense of what you are attracting into your life.

/r/lawofattraction Thread