Is being annoying and getting on someone’s nerves the same as being toxic to you? When is it crossing the line?

No I don't believe so. I'm a very detail oriented person and I work in compliance, so I regularly end up unintentional annoying people or getting on their nerves because I'm the "what if" guy and I have to say no to people a lot. That doesn't make me toxic, it's just a byproduct of what I have to do. Equally, sometimes I get on my wife's nerves because people have a tendency to do that sometimes for whatever reason but that's not toxic either. However, for me I think 2 things come into play. One is intention, and the other is reaction. If someone is deliberately pushing buttons just to get a rise then yeah, that's probably toxic. Equally, if I never listened to my wife when I do something that annoys her and make some effort to avoid doing it again, that's also getting into toxic territory. That's my thoughts, anyway

/r/AskReddit Thread