Benches clear when man gets angry that a gay man has an opinion about Toronto Blue Jays center fielder Kevin Pillar donating salary to LGBTQ charity after using homophobic slur

I had a wonderful response prepared, then I read the subreddit rules. It probably would have been removed for rule 3.

Then i typed out this lengthy "SJW" post basically building upon pandemult's point (which I do agree with), but more drawn out, and about how the "words change" reasoning does not justify using a word that's also used (today) for beatings, etc, like 100 years ago people would be offended by the word dumb and now no one bats an eye, but it's not been a hundred years since f***** fell out of that use, so out of decency if your words really are not rooted in homophobia then you would use a more even handed word like "dick".

You could even have someone who totally is not homophobic in the slightest but happens to say f***** for whatever reason but it's still not right b/c it's linked back to how the word is normally used, with homophobia, which, like any other bigotry should not be spread and should be hidden from public eye unless relevant. (This sentence could use a rephrasing).

Anyway it got me thinking perhaps we're right to let faggots get thrown around willy nilly to describe Nicholas Cage or your brother who has an affair with your wife or w/e, because that is probably how words get normalized and then with time and people dying off the words become inoffensive to practically everyone.

Then in typing this I realize maybe normalizing faggot is some pointless BS anyway because then the cycle will just repeat itself with another oppressed, endangered subset of people and .... What I'm getting at is Does Society slowly accepting one abnormality after another (and concurrently and differently- of course deafs and wheelchair people are not equal members of society but at least they're not executed for being less useful), ultimately make any substantial progress where 5000 years from now humans will just get along, or is it just pointless because all oppression just leads to more oppression? And the only way to do that would be to end all oppression (subsets of humans, all animals, needlessly hurting the earth and it's resources for greed, others I'm missing) except that seems like a god damned pipe dream that's never going to happen because humans are inherently bad so if we really cared about ending suffering we would end our species? idk, I said more than I intended to, but will you elaborate on your comment?

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