Berlin police recruits must 'learn German before English'

Completely simplistic analysis. Yes the Americans are usually wrong when they say it because they mean something else.

The truth, however, is that the Nazis were socialists in one respect, they wanted top down planning of the economy for the good of the nation. They were no fans of free enterprise organisations holding power that might guide the nation in any other direction than the Fuhrer's vision.

I have no problem with socialism when it's the kind of global socialism that the original socialists wanted when they started the movement. A universal brotherhood of man. That is the end goal of globalisation.

However, the nation state must be destroyed in order for this to occur. Multiculturalism is a part of that destroying the traditional nation state.

Any form of socialism that is exclusionary on whatever grounds, be they ethnic, cultural or geographical, is an incredibly selfish myopic vision for the future given the rapid growth of technology and dwindling planetary resources. Exclusionary socialism is just doing capitalism as a single national corporation instead of as lots of private enterprises within a nation. You're still exploiting labour and skimming off surplus value, you're just making sure the people who suffer from that are outside your borders. You're propagating wastefulness and economic inefficiency.

If you really believed in socialism you would support globalisation and multiculturalism as it's the only way the humanity will ever control population growth through development. You too would forsake notions of Polishness as many English people forsake notions of Englishness.

Ironic that you seem so mad about Brexit and hate the Anglos so much when Brexit was clearly an example of the proletariat lashing out against neoliberalism. The EU is the most neoliberal organisation going.

Funny how the British working class hasn't seen wage increases in decades while EU law means the second there's any shortage of labour we just import more Poles, Romanians, and Bulgarians to do those jobs. All the while pretending that the upper class politicians can be trusted to protect labour and share the wealth downwards.

You're just displaying how fucking little you know about the UK right now. Laughable really. You clearly don't have the first fucking clue.

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