Bernie’s entire net worth, accumulated over his 74 years of life, is less than half of what Hillary Clinton made just in her speeches to Goldman Sachs. In 2013, Bernie’s net worth was estimated to be $330,000 — making him among the least wealthy U.S. Senators in the country.

So, let's start with the fact that your first statement:

Let's go along with your theory and say that he was inferring something else. What good explanation is there for saying that you "don't believe in charity"?

In no way replies to the thing you quoted from my post.

In case you had trouble reading my post while you were copy pasting, let me go ahead and write it out again.


he believes that in a world where the government operates at full efficiency there will never be a need for charity


I made it all caps so it would be easier for you to read. Either admit that you have absolutely no proof for your statement, or provide proof. Full stop.


Let's go along with your theory and say that he was inferring something else. What good explanation is there for saying that you "don't believe in charity"?

You believe in personally helping others with your money instead of giving money to somebody who you do not know, who claims they will help people with it.

You believe that charities are corrupt, and you do not have faith in them being as charitable as they claim to be, or as charitable they reasonably could be.

You believe that your time and money are better spent organizing your elected government to solve the problems your community factes.

There are any number of reasons a person could make this statement.

I think we just have a misunderstanding here. I didn't say that Sanders believes that charities are evil or anything like that

Actually you did. You did say that. I will go ahead and quote you

He's saying that *he * believes... the fact that they need to exist is a crime against humanity in and of itself

So yes, you did say that. You even used bold. You 100% unequivocally said that. No misunderstandings going on.

I said that he might believe that the fact that they need to exist is wrong because it means that the government is failing people

This statement is untrue because

I said that he might believe

You did not say he might believe. You asserted what he did believe.

Ad hominems are always a good way to win people over.

You have so far in this discussion called Bernie Sanders naive and short sighted. Please do not give me sarcastic lessons about subjects which you do not even adhere to.

The fact of the matter is, that me calling you delusional is not even Ad Hominem.

The definition of delusional is "having false or unrealistic beliefs or opinions". You literally stated IN YOUR OWN WORDS that you believe that Bernie Sanders thinks "that in a world where the government operates at full efficiency there will never be a need for charity". Bernie Sanders does not think this. He has never once said this. You provided me a belief of yours which is demonstrably false. This is the definition of delusional. It is not ad hominem.

Let's continue:

Can you link me to the rest of the speech? I'd like to read it.

Fascinating. You have already formed opinions on Bernie Sanders based on this speech. Why you are only attempting to read this speech this now? Why are you incapable of doing research yourself?

A government at full efficiency would not be doing exactly that. It would be maximizing utility within a given set of constraints. In a real world case those constraints would likely be budget, labor hours, and physical resources.

By definition a government at full efficiency would be a government which achieves all of its goals (otherwise it could become more efficient by reaching more goals), and has the lowest possible real world cost and waste compared to the total amount it collected in taxes (because otherwise it could become more efficient by spending less money to achieve their goals).

Thus, a government at full efficiency would provide every need of a society while costing/wasting as little as possible. So yes, "a government at full efficiency" as you put it would be doing exactly that.

then I think everyone would agree that it would be worthwhile to donate to those charities.

No one has said it is not worthwhile to donate to charities other than the man made up of straw which you crafted earlier.

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