Bernie Sanders on Late Night with Seth Meyers

It's pretty simple people. The richest are earning more now than ever in proportionate wealth in comparison to the rest of us. I'm happy for them, they got dealt a good hand, made great choices and/or found a need in society and filled it. They aren't demons.

The problem is strictly a numbers problem and has little to do with fairness, it has to do with logic. The vast majority of people spend their money and don't accumulate wealth; they have little to no choice. Bills, food, transportation, medical, etc. Even 100k in the bank means little to the overall system (though it likely means much to you and I).

Our government has been lowering taxes and putting the country into debt, and overall in terms of pure $ the benefactor is the rich. Why? They write the bills and pay our politicians to pass them (studies have found that we've effectively become a nation run by the rich).

Even this wouldn't be as much of a problem if the rich spent their money and it circulated through the system (known as trickle down economics to those against the idea). This would generate more tax revenue and maybe our country wouldn't be generating debt. They arent though, they are accumulating wealth at rates unseen in our countries history.

Why is everything above a problem? Our government needs money to operate. Your average household can't afford to give much more and the money has got to come from somewhere. Someone has to pay for our ridiculously strong military. Someone has to pay for those roads. Someone has to pay for education.

Who is the biggest benefactor of the money the government currently spends? Corporations, and by proxy the richest in our country (who own them). Wouldn't seeing more money go to the state benefit corporations and the rich as much as it does to the rest of us? Not their bottom line and not for their wealth accumulation.

Do the rich deserve to have more of their hard earned money taken? Only if you want the system to work for everyone, including the rich themselves.

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