BERNIE SANDERS WINS BIG IN NEVADA - Sanders Has Now Swept First 3 Contests in 2020 Democratic Primary

Well if you want to see a single payer healthcare system that works in practice, just look at Denmark for example. Their healthcare system is free of charge at the point of service, high quality, popular among it’s citizens, and less expensive than our system.

As for the free college, Bernie is obviously one of two major candidates that supports free public college for all, even people who make over $200k a year. While this may seem like paying for the college of millionaires and billionaires, under Bernie’s plan those people will be by far paying the most taxes, so it’s fair that they benefit from the system that they’re paying for. Just like how public schools, libraries, and fire departments are public services that benefit ALL people, college will be no different.

Bernie also supports the Green New Deal, which will not only aim to convert the nation to 100% renewable energy, but create 20 million green jobs in the process.

As for social security, Bernie has been advocating for the protection and expansion of social security for decades.

I’ve never heard Bernie say anything about term limits so I can’t speak on that one. I would assume he doesn’t plan on changing that, but I could be wrong.

Anyway, that’s what you would be getting from Bernie as president. Whether you want to consider it a revolution is up to you, but no matter how you classify it, these are the policies you would be getting under a President Sanders.

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