Best and worst Sun/Moon combos to have in your opinion?

......what. what the actual fuck. I felt such primal fear when I read those messages. I'm in shock honestly. I'm so so fucking sorry that happened, I'm so sorry you had to bear that. I don't intend to blame you or anything but I'm seriously wondering why you did as he said ( sending nudes and having sex with him )? Why did you even go to house and spend time with him?? Did you report this to the authorities? His behaviour is not at all a joke. He's going to seriously hurt and kill someone. Did he do any of those things to you ( boiling water and beating you up ) ?? I actually wanna find him and just kill him. I'm so disgusted by humans sometimes. I'm once again so sorry that you went through that and I just wanna wrap you in blankets and cuddle you till you feel safe and happy forever :(

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