Which chart placements indicate that someone has writing talent?

I’ve got Moon in Pisces in the fifth which forms a grand water trine (including 9H Jupiter in Cancer where it is exalted). The grand water trine with these specific placements is a blessing and a curse. I have a masters in fine art and wanted to go for creative writing but I am lazy af. I hate revising and revising. Not that doing studio arts doesn’t include critique and revision but it’s easier for me personally to just be done with something. Going back to elementary school, I would take homework assignments to the next level - i.e. supposed to make a diagram of the life cycle of a butterfly and I’d literally handcraft and write a book. This energy got stomped out by adults early on in life so both the easiness (provided by the grand trine) and early imprint that what I was doing was wrong, worthless etc has left me in this limbo of both wanting to be creative but really lazy about it.

/r/astrology Thread