I bet 90% of people who want to murder noobs won't murder noobs after their first wanted murderer bounty.

At quakecon they said they had a day where they told the players to be the worst dicks imaginable which is most likely the most accurate to how us actual players will be.

I think this fails to appreciate the difference between 13 year olds on Xbox who think it is funny to kill someone and the organized tactics of groups like Goonswarm/Goonsquad/GoonFleet.

I played with a subset of them in Elite Dangerous. In that game you had the option to drop cargo out of your hold into space. It would create a floating little capsule that despawned after 5 minutes. Someone asked, "If there was a crap ton of these cargo pods floating around, do you think it would cause lag?" They organized an operation. Get as many players as possible to go to the most busy space port and drop as many cargo pods as possible. They wasted millions of credits on the effort simply to create lag for other players and to effectively blockade the station.

/r/fo76 Thread