Bethesda: Why we’re trying paid Skyrim mods on Steam

Redditors are pseudo-intellectual children that want to look smart and profound but then immediately devolve into 8th-grade level diatribe whenever somebody challenges them.

You're a redditor, faggot. Oh, I don't mean it like a bad kind of faggot. You know, just, you.

Do you even know what ad-hominem is?

No. I also don't know how to look up definitions on gogole. But don't fret. Every word I've said to you tonight was said with my intellectual gear shifter set at "TRY HARD".

You just pick and choose your arguments I choose my arguments based on what I think makes sense. and disregard points that other people make. I disregarded your points because they were nonsense.

You don't say... Might it be because I said... No. That couldn't be it.

The pay cut is not 70%. It's anywhere between 30% and 75%

We're discussing Skyrim mods. It was 70%ish.

The mods are not uncurated. In fact there's far more quality control than without this service.

When you pay for something, consumers tend to have an expectation that shit will work. Look at front page posts on r/gaming this week that showcase how perfectly (non)functional the current mods in the store are. Unless the store already went down... Did it? I dont know, because unlike you, I really don't care, as I have said several times before.

3a. The mods logistically cannot "break your game" unless they involve programming, which not all of them do.

Really???? WTF? Are you sure about this?

3b. Again, the mods are not uncurated. Mods that find a way to break your game will not be allowed to be sold.

For someone who "does their research" you're sure cool with ignoring the link I keep telling you to check out that shows mods introducing visual artifacts and other broken shit into game worlds. One of them even appears to have world resources that he tinkered with and forgot to turn off before the mod went live. Oops!

VALVE/Bethesda are not "selling work they didn't create", they're providing a platform and game to the public which are free to modify but will receive a paycut should the user want to sell that item to others on it.

No fucking shit. They're not literally selling other people's work. They're making money off of it. Is it better if I make that distinction for you?

The paycut is not 70% - 75%. It's anywhere from 30% - 75%.

Yes, theoretically they can set it anywhere from 30-75%. That doesn't change the fact that it was set to 75% for Skyrim.

Would you prefer a communist-style closed market where people are obligated by Steam to download certain mods? I'm confused.

Yes. That is exactly what I said.

Fuck me for arguing that Valve is a sack of shit for not having consumers best interests in mind.

"Yeah, the terms are kind of unfair and the system is pretty broken, but dude, no one is forcing you to buy mods through them! So it's totally cool that things are shitty! Yeah, modders are getting fucked, but it's cool bcuz Valve is totally hosting shit and omg Bethesda out of the kindness of their heart made a modder toolkit! Besides, if the market is really really bad enough, then it'll go away cause no one will buy mods from Valve anymore! Fuck all those people who already bought into the broken system, after all."

because it allows people to make what would otherwise be a hobby financially viable, among other reasons.

Yeah. Those modders should really be grateful for the 25% they're getting. Oh your mod sold $400? Now we can finally cut you a check for $100 for the trouble. lol

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