Colin Powell to vote for Joe Biden, says Trump 'lies'

It is in line with what the founding fathers had in mind(though not explicitly), to have a government that is responsive more so than representative. A two party system is more responsive in that it can accurately and decisively make laws. This is why some European parties advocate for FPTP(which causes a two party sytem according to Duverger's Law), because some European government in their opinion 'suffers' from 6-14 different parties that actually have to reach a consensus(which is slower) to make laws. However a two party system is only responsive in a bicameral parliament if both houses are controlled by the same party, it is only responsive in relevant issues when one party makes new laws the other party repeals them(never making progress), and there is little representation for the myriad of diversities that exist in humans. Eventually coming to the point that results in one party being claimed by fascists and one party being so wide that it encompasses neoliberals(centre right) to democratic socialists(center left).

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