Bi-Weekly Hero Discussion Thread: Hunter of the Hand Cannon, Godrak

I accidentally deleted my original comment ;-; Here I rewrite

Lakrak is my man!!! He is my main hero and first hero out of default, first 5 Star, first T1, and first T5 as well as my first 1 and 2 Star uw. He has never disappointed me in getting things done.

Where is this hero good at? He excels in most multi-mob stuff such as RV, Adventure, PvP. He works in normal fd and pd raids. Also in bd if u have Maria or Priscilla.

What is this hero good at? As his title King of CC implies, cc is his major point. He with trans perks, he is the only hero with cc in all of his skills while three of them being double cc skills. His burst dps is also great when built with enough crit and double bomb.

Is this hero usable in raids? Yes. But he is weaker in id where there aren’t many multi mobs to utilize his AoE skills. Other dragons can use lakrak to keep main dragon cc bar from regenerating(three active skills and passive with 1.3 sec cd) and clear mobs. In bd, however, he is best paired with Pris/Maria to maximize his damage potential. Recent patch also increased his VS. Main dragon cc capabilities. Assuming no welps present, he will offer 10 sec cc from his double bomb.

Is he usable for pvp? Yes! His smoke bomb is great to give u a quick invincibility time(enemies under blind) while s1 can destroy formations. And s3, with recent patch, can stun two enemy heroes. If the double bomb goes off, it’s one shot for dps and if two bombs are nearby, most warrior tanks will also evaporate. I equip him with my 2 Star Soul Spring Water

What are your preferred trans perks? For PvE: Atk, Def, Target Weakness, S4 Dark, S3 Light(most crucial to his dps) and T5 Dark. His Dark stacks upon a crit hit(all aoe if a skill critically hits three mobs, it’s three stacks gained.) and this is why Crit chance is important on Lakrak since T5 Dark gives him, at Max Stack(10), 50% Crit Dmg and 30% CC ACC.

For PvP: Atk, Def, Target Weakness, S2 Light, S3 Light, and T5 Dark. Here T5 helps more for the CC ACC than Crit Dmg as without extra Crit Dmg most dealers die anyway from s3 but CC ACC helps him cc heroes with high cc resist built up.

What are your preferred gear setups? Standard Dps build, Atk Atkspd Crit and Crit Dmg. U can replace 2-3 Atkspd for Lifesteal/Def. Pen, because Lakrak doesn’t need too much mana (2, 2(1), 3(4) for each skill...() indicates trans perks that affects mana usage) and his uw has built-in Atkspd boost that now has no cd and therefore essentially permanent(starting from 30% at 0 Star uw. At 2 Star it is +42%) This effect triggers frequently in pvp also. But make sure u have 4 critical chances on gears. His dps depends on critical hits.

Are there better choices? In mass mob situations, imo, no. He is the only hero with cc in all of his skills including passive and three duel cc skills. He also packs some heavy burst dps when built with heavy crit. But as far as main dragon/boss cc bar goes he is subpar. If u are only concerned with cc bar depletion, go for Gau/Lorraine/Miruru*0(needs t4). But considering his mass mob cc, burst dps, pvp usability and amp, I’d say he is definitely worth building for ur roster.

What are ur accomplishments with him? Blowing enemy team to death with s3, one time to an extent where he one shots everyone and scores 6 mil dps in arena lol. 9 mil dps in RV(spikes to 11-15 mil when his first s3 goes off), Carrying me through Adventure, ToC, ToO, 10-13 mil dps in wb2, Nice Raid aoe dps. He usually is on par with main dps when paired with Pris/Maria, going up to 8-9 mil dps.

/r/Kings_Raid Thread