Billionaire oligarch has more nuanced view of China than celebrated American propagandist host. The absolute state of US media

Any honest person would come to the same conclusions, your class background is irrelevant to the actual facts of the matter. Many Americans are extremely ideological to the point that they deny basic objective reality. This even comes at the expense of their own bourgeoisie, since even they would benefit from open trade with China. This is a weird thing about the US culture, it's so dogmatic its ruling class hurts itself. Many Asian economies for example like South Korea and Singapore have historically been state capitalism to a large extent because even the bourgeoisie is willing to accept state intervention if it means rapid economic growth. Westerners have a weird thing where they treat economics so religiously that the bourgeoisie even hurt themselves, which is just weird. Engels seems to have believed that as capitalism develops, the bourgeoisie would take more and more state control to facilitate the growth of their capitals. However, this has not really happened in most western countries, there is such an ideological commitment that is so strong to laissez-faire economics that the bourgeoisie voluntary just allow the economy to stagnate and crash and themselves to go bankrupt. It is very odd. The entire European Union for example has an even lower GDP than it did back in 2008, and Japan has a lower GDP than it did back in 1995. No one benefits from that, not even the bourgeoisie, their wealth does not grow. Yet there is no push for state capitalism. It is a very strong ideological commitment.

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