Biological underpinnings of chronic fatigue syndrome begin to emerge

Thank you for the detailed citations! I'm not an expert in this particular field. I think more than anything else, the article overstates the impact of what amounts to an exploratory and preliminary study. That's not to say that it won't be the key to an answer. But it's not definitive proof of one either.

And yes, Dr. Davis is not a newcomer. I'll admit I didn't realize that at first. There's a change in tone that happens in my comment as I realize that. By the end, I'm quite appreciative of his language and hesitance to make a promise. The part about him having someone in his life with CFS/ME is the weakest criticism, and I hope I communicated that properly.

I think that overall, Dr. Davis knows exactly what level of research he's doing, and I feel a sort of discomfort from his responses. He doesn't have a cure or a breakthrough cause, but he's doing what he can to contribute to one. Whether or not this avenue turns out to be the one that leads to real answers, that's commendable, and he seems to be concerned with doing it properly. I've had experience with much less rational family members, and I really do appreciate that.

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