Black Lives Matter is a Domestic Terrorist Organization | Change My Mind

Okay, usually I at least respect your trolling for trying to maintain good faith and actually get people to converse and clarify their points, but this is just absurd. He's using the word the right way, you are not, but are somehow insisting that because others also may not use the word right, that the wrong way is in fact the right way and now your argument's correct.

Yes, it's easy to be right when you redefine the words your argument rests on (which was a tiny argument of a greater whole, which means you probably didn't have much to begin with and just didn't wanna be wrong) and treat the redefinition as fact.

You're an absurd terrible troll that's single handedly brought discussion in the sub down to idiotic levels by taking up literally half of entire thread counts with bad faith arguments, misdirections, and lies. And somehow, still, I expected better of you than this.

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