Trialling a survey: which of these statements do you agree with?

\1. To an extent yes, but something I'm becoming very, very tired of recently, is vindictive, malevolent envy which unsuccessfully tries to disguise itself as moral enlightenment. I honestly can't remember the last time I saw someone complaining about the rich, when said speaker was not scum themselves; the only real difference was that they had less money and were crying about it.

I had the thought less than an hour ago that I'd really appreciate it if Elon would fuck off, but it isn't actually because he's rich, specifically. It's because he's a fraudulent, narcissistic, psychopathic piece of dog shit who promotes stupid ideas which usually aren't even his in the first place, and who nearly everyone worships because they don't know better and don't want to. They'd rather believe the lies about him than know the truth.

\2. Fairly obviously, but have fun getting assassinated if you attempt to do anything about it.

\3. Yep.

\4. C} and e}. Show me a Left activist, and I will show you a person who ultimately does what they do, exclusively because they have no other reason to exist.

There is nothing valid, legitimate, or constructive about twenty first century progressivism whatsoever. It is exclusively an ideological and sociological disease, and it accomplishes nothing whatsoever aside from generating heat and noise, and keeping all of us at each other's throats while the corporations quietly keep working towards the Great Reset in the background. A time is going to come in the near future, when someone using the incorrect pronouns to refer to transgender people will be the least of our problems; and the very fact that we have all been focused on that shit, will be a large part (although definitely not the totality) of the reason why.

/r/IntellectualDarkWeb Thread