Blaming weed for someone who was texting while driving...

Yes I read the article. You are missing my point. There are people out there ANXIOUS to vilify cannabis use. They don't want it to be legalized. This article highlights that. It is clear that marijuana had nothing to do with this accident, however the headline still suggests it does. They do this on purpose. People often only read the headlines. They are looking for reasons to stop legalization in it's tracks. They are looking for reasons to make legalization look bad and their strongest case right now is an emotional appeal to people that legalization will lead to people driving high.

It does not matter if it is actually safe or not. In the minds of most of America driving high is driving under the influence of an illicit substance. It has tremendous potential to scare people away from legalization. Especially because you currently cannot test to see if people are actively high while driving like you can with alcohol.

All I am saying is if they try to make this case sound like marijuana played a part in the accident imagine what they could do if the person was clearly actually high at the time of the accident. That could be it. The media would get a hold of it, especially networks like Fox News, they would claim that it was the cause and half of the nation would not listen to any evidence to the contrary. They would tell people even if they tried to enforce a no driving when high policy it would be impossible to enforce because you cannot test for it the way you do with alcohol. It would set back by legalization years.

If you care at all about legalization, be mindful of the fact that there are people out there who don't understand being high the way a person who has smoked regularly enough to be used to it and has read relevant studies does. A stoned person does not seem fit to drive to a person who has never smoked or even worse had only smoked a handful of times. The swing voters are largely pro-legalization right now because they are beginning to see how harmless it is, don't allow those opposed to it to make it seem harmful again.

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