What’s the most inappropriate thing you’ve witnessed at a funeral?

At my fathers funeral my younger sister whom was 30 years old at the time was playing up to the drama. She gave quite the performance with the crying and the nodding of recognition at people whom showed up. At the wake after the funeral there were the older relatives, the ones that remember and know everything about everyone. My younger sister was still in drama mode and I guess my old aunt, my fathers real sister started to talk about her loudly. My my aunt was still bitter about my younger sister ruining a marriage with my uncle. Apparently my younger sister whom was 13 years old at the time got it on with my aunt's then husband over a few years time. It was a sight to see my quiet aunt speak her mind. Other relatives also spoke up and shared their dislike for my younger sister because she had many shameful indiscretions. My younger sister should have left the wake early.

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