BMW 3-Series versus Model 3: Reservations about my reservations

I'm in the same situation. Been waiting for a smaller Tesla since I've known about Teslas. Could've bought an S years ago but am still driving my ice hatchback waiting for this. Was hoping for a hatchback, and was initially worried about trunk size at reveal, but Musks comments(something about fitting a surfboard I think) calmed my fears. This official comparison is definitely a downer(by design I guess). Not just storage space(I'm assuming the back seats go down and that's not counted), but the limited options(again if the 100 options are what I want then who cares). I get they have S's coming off the line they want to sell but I really think if they wanted to make a comparison now, they should put out the model 3 configurations or nothing. They said the "this is not an upgrade from S or next version" statement during the quarterly meeting and if they feel the f'ed up the branding and want to put a note on the website saying that, that's reasonable. Still a win win, either this car is what I want or it pushes other companies to make some compelling electrics with some decent range(and don't look like the bolt). Or I keep driving my ice till it explodes and automated driverless taxis are cheaper than car ownership(which tesla is also helping to push along). In all cases I can't be too mad at them

/r/teslamotors Thread