and being permabanned

Hi, my name is Nuri Sahin. Not the actual Nuri Sahin, that of Borussia Dortmund fame of course, I just went by that name on a As well as that, I also went by El LoCo Ade before that, and even further back, originally Adnan Alves before getting the opportunity to change my username. I have used my friends profile for a brief time, that being Kharrell four months ago, and a re-reg account by the name of The Chocolate Thunder right after being permanently banned

I was a poster for several years in which I posted in forums such as Call of Duty, Soccer, Basketball, Golf, Pro Wrestling, and Gambling to name a few amongst other similar related topics that were of interest to me. I also moderated three forums in total, that being Call of Duty, Gambling and Fantasty Sports Arena.

As of mid-July 2014, I was permanently banned from There has been a lot of speculation and assumptions made about me, some have come directly to me on Twitter to ask what happened, but I have been hesitant in explaining as there was a lot of detail and Twitter is Twitter with it’s 140 characters. It goes without saying I had the option to use Twitlonger which I have used numerous times in the past, but given my audience is only so big with 600 followers, and maybe only 75 or so being from Boards, I thought I’d post here instead. And yes, I’m very aware of the amount of ‘Boardsies’ who are on here too.

There’ll be people still wondering why, “why has this been on your mind for so long? Let it go.” That’s a valid comment and I wish I could, but after spending as much time as I did on, and the way things went down and knowing the people who remain there today that the ‘higher ups’ turn a blind eye towards, it’s frustrating.

If you are on Boards, I’d appreciate if you told me who you are on there, I’ll gladly reply, even if I dislike you, but I’d be willing to wager I won’t get much from anyone on that front. We’ll see.

Before I start, I’ll apolgise now for the fact that my English grammar can be a bit sloppy at times. While English is my first language. I was an average enough honours student in the end. So yeah, sorry about that. I probably will end up repeating myself, after all, some of these were completed as far back as last summer even, right after I got permabanned.

Lastly, for some, this will be of interest, I get that, but sure for some it will be. People should know what the people who remain there are truly like.

I’ll cover the following through

1) My Time as a Moderator —

2) Leeg17 aka Scar Tissue —

3) Soccer Forum Posters —

4) My Soccer Forum Infractions and Bans -

‘Boardseye’ (a person who stalked, trolled and abused me and family members from on Twitter) and private messages I’ll come back to that in a few days probably, maybe the end of this week hopefully.

Before signing out, I’ll stress this, I’m no angel, I made some mistakes. I’m very self aware of that, but how things went down, that doesn’t and has not sat well for me for a long, long time now.

/r/ireland Thread