Books recs about strong female leads

A Trial of Blood and Steel series - Joel Shepherd. No obvious 'men writing women' that I noticed. Warrior woman in medieval fantasy with politics, huge armys, one on one battles.

Spinning Sliver by Naomi Novic. Fairy tale novel with multiple women POV, their struggles, weaknesses, and efforts. No fight scenes if that's what you're looking for. Highly recommended. Simply loved all the women, especially the main lead, a genuine badass.

A Practical Guide to Evil, web novel, by Erratic Errata. Rational Fiction, fantasy with huge armys. Warning: The novel is still ongoing so you'll end up waiting for new chapters every week.

Queens of Renthia by Sarah Beth Durst. Action with women in the world having magical powers. Engaging with some interesting parts. Second book was my personal favourite.

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