boop indeed

Then called the n-word which is pretty much grounds for assault in much of societies opinion

The Court of Public Opinion stops on the Courthouse steps. That is much more significant than any judgement rendered by the public. Short attention span combined with a life full of endless distractions means the public forgets and moves on unless you're truly notorious. The Court of Law never forgets and never stops slowly rolling forward.

But yeah they are both in the wrong here and we should consider both of their actions as equivalent.

They are both idiots and deserve each other. If either had made better decisions, the video wouldn't be circulating and both would be living a better version of their lives. It isn't hard to reason that out.

The person on the bicycle was clipped, but otherwise unharmed. He could have disengaged, called the cops to report a possible drunk driver, or other better choices. Obviously, he decided to confront instead. That was poor decision number one. The person in the car could have had a gun. It happens every day all over the world when someone decides they should do something and end up dead.

After he was called the n-word, he could have disengaged, started recording the driver with his phone to post online with a racist tirade "cancelling" the driver, or other better decisions. Instead, he decided to punish the driver escalating it again. That was poor decision number two. Poor decision number three was not making a faster getaway from someone driving a car and ending up face down on the ground.

The person driving the car is a criminal on multiple levels so not running over people and not assaulting them sums him up. Hopefully, the bicyclist and others like him will learn to leave policing to the police. There is a reason they are armed and have backup. The general public can be dangerous as hell.

tl;dr If he had rode his bicycle away that night instead of stepping up, he wouldn't have injuries and pain. I can't say if it was worth it or not. That is up to the person laying face down bleeding onto the concrete.

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