Boy Interrupted (2009) - Parents examine the suicide of their 15-year-old son who suffered from bipolar disorder.

I'm going to comment, and I really don't feel like talking on it much more than what I'm going to do here on this tangent. You're probably going to have to watch the documentary, and you probably should before your point of view becomes jaded.

I cried, for probably 45 minutes after watching this. Just laid in bed, cried, thought about life, thought about the reasons, thought about the film, and in a whole lot of ways that child resembles me, provided I've made it farther in age, but to me, that doesn't mean much. The film touches on "maybe he just couldn't be what he aspired to be", I have aspirations, I have the drive, but exactly as the film, the drive just doesn't feel real. I wake up, I try my hardest every day to do my best, help the world, better myself and those around...but the effects of doing so are never...registered to myself. I've browsed r/suicidewatch and /r/depression since I discovered reddit, I've tried my best to ensure that anybody who suffers from what we've suffered from has somebody to talk to, somebody to relate to, but most people just shut me out and leave me wondering, which is fine, I do the same exact thing to anybody who tries to break my walls. The film makes me extremely angry in the way that the family completely disregards his wishes, and then goes on to make wellspring simply seem like a magical fairytale land for mental illness. I've never seeked therapy, or medical advice for the ways I feel, and honestly I'm not entirely sure he ever wanted to either with the way that god awful psychologist's notes were. I was the same exact way as him, I was completely and utterly depressed my entire childhood, for blatant reasons which I won't state, but my grades went from a solid 4.0 from 1st to 7th grade and once the hormones start to kick in the world begins to compress, every problem becomes so huge, nothing is manageable. I can't really put into words how I feel, his suicide note was so simple yet I already know what was going through his head, the complexity of the thoughts that happen during "episodes" simply feel unrealistic. I can't maintain a 3.1 GPA even trying my hardest, it takes 7 cups of coffee a day for me to force out the fakest smile, the fake laughter, everything feels fake to me. Everyone tells me how awful the caffeine is for me, but it just becomes a joke and a shrug to me because deep down inside I feel nobody actually gives a shit. The film expresses that and honestly I never really knew that I could match so closely to somebody and honestly feel that I am the one in a million who has depression like this. My guess is the lithium and prozac didn't do shit, and he simply got tired of visiting that awful psychiatrist and forced the fake personality, I do the same thing. It's apparent that those drugs were doing absolutely nothing as they even stated, he went off on a tangent too when he was moved to wellspring. I'm done writing, and honestly don't even know why I bother pressing the submit button on this. It's opened up my understanding of myself a bit more, and honestly the first thing that went through my head was that I should leave the world in a way that my body could be donated so that nobody else has to deal with this, but maybe I'll keep fighting, maybe not, I really don't care which way it goes and hopefully my family will respect my wishes (by donating my body) and not spit on that letter and claim it as "spur of the moment" like they did. Perhaps I hope that nobody I know finds this, but I'm sure it'll happen in the future. Oh well.

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