Brandon Boyd shares how most of us probably feel when we are asked to play a song at a party.

Well, im at a party.. Im a self conscious guy, shy retiring by choice unless in mostly 1 on 1 situations and even then in limited fashion.

As a "electronic musician" (i make tracker music for fun that got his music was good enough to sell, by people who seemed neither malicious, stupid or insincere.)

Yeah, you want to sell your music yeah?

See that guy over there, who´s pulling the hottest chicks in the bar and doing it contemptuously and will dump them in a heartbeat unless they turn out to be fabulous at pleasing him?

Yeah, he´s pretty famous. Not famous enough to be really famous, he likes partying and fucking a bit too much. You have to wait with the really serious side of that stuff until you made your first platinum at least,im mean come on. And then either be replaceable or your drug use mostly being a spectacle and not cutting into work or performance too long. Cause if you get too famous and useless, we will kill you for pity cash before you get either too forgotten or too stupid for people to care. :)

Haha, we are only kidding, of course we are all friends here, but seriously, its a lot of cash and its a sure win one way and a sure lose the other way and keeping a drooling cripple around even if they was useful , well , sure, as long as it wasnt cosnt you an arm and a leg...

Hahaha im kidding, that is not pc though in a completely selfish and therefore logical to my understanding viewpoint that would be the business thing to do. But of course i cant say that, its not pc. Haha.

So, how about it, you gonna try and crank out another nr1 and then go shake your ass in front of the camera for a few hours and then go out on the balcony and spit like you are a bad boy, but nice, so really awkward about it, yes, like you practiced before with your couch. Ok now go get them big boy slaps him on the ass

Oh, sorry man, i forgot that was the cheek you were caned on for behavior treatment studies. Hey why dont you go smoke a big spliff and take some pills, maybe get a blow job.

If you get caught, we give you a darker and bit more complex sound to fit your anyways older fans....Ok shut the fuck boyo :D haha love you! (rushes away through a door and "gentleman" appears to escort the slightly bewildered but too happy with the drugs and sex and shit to really think about it anything more than for a fraction of a second, boy , he´s really lucky, he wonders what that guy steve was really talking about, he wasnt really listning, just thinking about that fine ass waiting in the next....

Oops, fuck, sorry guys, that horror story fiction wasnt supposed to be printed here.

Fuck, i dont know how to delete text, can anyone help me?

Please, come on, im handicapped in that i have always been unable to delete text, i need admin help or assurance that this is ok.

Or from like a lot of people.

Cause its just fiction, some thought exercise and fantasy so unreal it could never actually happen in our own world.

Some people though, so stupid that they will believe anything, especially if its in text.

So, yeah, i gotta warn people, just to make things safe for the general public surrounding these unfortunate imbeciles.

And , hey, you know, this was copied here by accident by a weirdly afflicted man. (so unavoidable in a funny way...and therefore excusable to moral law and human integrity at this date of understanding)

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