BREAKING Reports on twitter from editor of Spectator as of 22:01 'Suspected' Terror Attack - London

I know what you think we should do. You think we need to block any Muslim from coming in.

How do you know what I would do? Amazing powers you got there.

But if we let that happen, their will still be the crazy white Muslim extremists who will be angry and will do these attacks themselves.

Crazy white Muslim extremists. What? Is that a thing?

But for what I think we need to do? I know writing heartfelt posts and 'staying strong' isn't going to do shit if that's all we do. But to be perfectly honest with you, I don't know. I don't know what we can do. But I just hope the leaders of our country are thinking about what we can do. Because the terrorists are only getting worse and worse.

So what are you complaining about when I said it's not gonna end? You don't know what to do, because there's nothing we can do. It's not going to end. Ever. We just gotta accept that this is the society we live in.

I'd do anything in my power to prevent this kind of thing from happening, but I don't know what my power is.

Inspirational. Good luck with that.

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