Britain's Racist Election (2015) - This documentary reveals what happened when a small British town gained national and international notoriety following the unprecedented culture collision between immigrants and the white community at the start of the era of mass immigration.

Ah it all makes sense now. I think you need to focus on your ability to rationally discuss topics with people. At the moment you come across as batshit crazy because:

  1. You don't read and properly understand the comments you respond to. Or do any research to disprove them. (I looked through your post history) For example, your response to the hitler and animal welfare post. A quick google search would find the wikipedia page which has plenty of references to books on the topic. So it wasn't nonsense.

  2. Your response immediately assumes some kind of political position on the part of someone else (which you then dismiss like some sort of politician). Just because someone says something does not mean they support that position or come from a specific political group. Could just be pointing out a fact, as I was. The statement 'the English are being replaced everywhere' simply doesn't make sense. How can a person be replaced in their home? Just think it through. The allocation of homes, jobs, church places, government positions isn't done by race. It's usually a combination of ability and connections. Meritocracy/nepotism.

No one is deliberately trying to remove your race from the planet. You're into paranoid conspiracy territory there. I mean, how would that even be possible? The logistics alone are mind boggling.

Mass migration is a fact of modern day life and although it comes with some negatives, the main reason (I think) things get worse as a result is lack of planning. For example, in Britain, spending on homes, jobs and public services should increase to accommodate extra people but it is going in reverse.

Anyway, the 2 points you just made don't make sense either. You're arguing pieces of a sentence to win an internet argument rather than taking what I said as a whole.

All I said was I was surprised a more rational, intelligent argument was downvoted while a comment that I consider stupid was upvoted. I didn't dismiss his opinion as coming from a certain political background as you did mine. Your response was to put words in my mouth and assume I meant I support a globalist white guilt tradition.

White guilt? What if I'm not white? And, why assume I am guilty about the colonial history of the UK? I wasn't alive or involved in the colonial period. Why would I be guilty about it? It's not like the average person asks for foreign policy anyway. Why would white guilt translate to support for immigration?

And why do you throw around globalist like it's an insult lol? I don't even know how you would define globalist. You believe my words to be taken directly from some other 'people' with a vicious agenda. Who are these people? Have you met any?

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