Bronze player trying to improve

I am not sure whether I am one of those right person to give you suggestion, since I don’t think I am a good League of Legends player, and I don’t play rank games seriously enough. Anyways, I main Jungler and Support.

Concerning your jungle role, an ideal Jungler should be able to provide map pressure/control and secure objectives. However it seems that you do not ward much enough to help your team. Check your ward score and my ward score. I often buy a green ward and pink ward (if possible) after first recall. Place your pink in enemy jungle – when I am red side, I usually place pink at the curved bush around the entrance to wolves and blue buff. I often place that green ward in wraith camp or tri-bush, just in case enemy jungler ganks my lanes, and I can also do some counter-jungling. Warding is so important for your team as wards provide information for your decision-making (e.g. enemy rotation, start dragon or not, counter-jungle, clear enemy camps). Just buy some wards and upgrade red /yellow trinket.

Warding is also extremely important when you are playing as a support. You probably need to learn how to ward or ward more often or replace expiring wards. Just google it or watch replays and YouTube channels and you will realise that most Bronzies (I were) are so bad at placing wards and map awareness. You did mention that your Thresh and Annie were your top picks, however, your Thresh has a pretty poor win rate and your Annie is not good neither. Probably you need to practice more Annie and die less, because an average 8 deaths (with low KDA), in my opinion, is unacceptable. As a player, your golden rule is not to die. If you die, you lose exp, gold, items and lane pressure. Your adc will not be able to farm easily, you will lose turret and the game easily because of a fed enemy. For thresh, you may improve by roaming around. Because thresh is one of the best playmakers in the game. After getting a mobility boot in your first recall, try to roam to top or mid lane for a kill or to burn enemy’s summoner spell. This really helps your teammates’ laning and your team’s mid game (where everyone has ultimate to make some game-changing plays). Nevertheless do this only if you’re confident of your adc and ward around bot before you leave your adc. If your adc dies because of jungler gank, it’s totally his/her fault for not being aware of the map.

You have mentioned that you have a great champion pool. However it can be your weakness as well as you are not mastering certain roles and champions. As a result, your game knowledge is not adequate enough to carry you out of bronze division. For example in top lane, I would highly suggest you to stop playing Riven if you want to climb out of bronze. Playing a high-skill cap champion costs you a lot of effort and time in order to master it, it’s not efficient. Why not stick into Gnar and Irelia as you play pretty decently with nice KDA and win rate if you are playing as a top lane. Gnar provides good CC for teammates while Irelia can dive the squishy target easily. These 2 champs are easy to play and they offer much to the team. Just stick to champions you are really familiar with (also consider no. of played, your KDA and win rate of the champ). If you do consider these factors, I don’t think you will consider Riven and Azir (possibly Annie) in your champion pool for rank games (unless you spam normal games for these champs and polish your skills).

Sorry for being harsh, but I am trying to address the problem of ‘vast champion pool’ and warding. These 2 problems are often found in bronze and silver divisions. Warding is so important for team and for your decision making. While having a vast champion pool or sticking to the favorite picks is not a sustainable solution to your core concern. Focus on quality but not quantity. Read some online vids/guides from pros or high division players, watch replays, this will enrich your game knowledge. Try to focus and practice in 2 roles with 3 champions each role. You will then benefit a lot as you realise the strength and weakness of these champions, also you will make better judgements of your role. Then gradually expand your champion pool and roles according to your personal preference or possibly meta. Hopefully this helps. Sorry for my bad english. Sorry for writing a long essay. LOL Glhf :)

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