Brooklyn teen tries to steal Air Jordans, loses arm in Craigslist robbery gone wrong

You know, there's something about having a gun pulled on you and the trigger pulled. It just changes you. Utter helplessness.

Not to quote movies, but in the movies the gun goes click, the victim looks up and it's fight to the death, because the victim knows he's dead otherwise.

Imagine having your kids see that happen and feel helpless for the rest of their lives.

Everyone should watch The Deer Hunters.

Dad should get charged yes. If convicted, suspended sentence.

Dad shouldn't go to trial though. Dad wasn't forced into the situation.

Who knows what was going through this dad's head.

Craigslist meetup. Dad asks kid to come to dad's house. Provides address. Kid says can't he's 17 and take the bus there.

What we don't know is that these shoes are probably some sort of sneakerhead shoe. A 'commerative' limited edition shoe that Nike or some sort of BS materialistic company makes in limited edition that affected people line up at the Nike store every weekend in NYC to buy, then resell on ebay and craigslist at insane markup.

Some sort of shoe sold for $200, then marked up for $800.

So for this kid in Brooklyn without $800, then yes, it's worth it to murder, and for the dad, worth it to pack up his two kids in the back seat and drive 40 minutes into some sort of low rent area.

Kid sees the kids in the back, but is stupid of course, pulls the gun and fires it. Takes the shoes and walks off.

Dad drives off but thinks "Wait a minute, he knows my address. I only know his street corner. He's going to know that I'm going to call the cops. He actually WANTED to kill me. He's going to come and kill me and my kids. I need to eliminate that possibility."

Purely self defense.

Let the dad go.

All for a set of stupid shoes.

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