[Buddhism] Let's discuss rebirth.

It's fantastic you're seeking truth! I hope you overcome all fear and develop your love.

Perhaps one introduction to reincarnation would be the book " Journey of Souls, case studies of life between lives" (it's on youtube). That's from a guy that's worked with thousands of people and he's investigated the experiences they've shared with him, they basically point to this (based on what I've learnt so far from this and other NDEs and spiritual texts):

  • when you die you notice a tunnel of light that entices you towards it because it feels good
  • you go to a between lives area, kind of like a school
  • you initially meet illusions of people you love, and your guides/friends, to help you become more settled
  • you evaluate your own life and all your past memories are restored to you
  • you meet with a council of elders that talk about your life
  • when you're ready, you plan for your next life and what you want to work on, you choose a location/family
  • you are disconnected from your memories as you come into a pregnant women as a newborn
  • at least one upside to the amnesia is that it helps you not get stuck in old patterns and beliefs, so you can work on your issues from new perspectives

Also your instinct that something isn't right about this amnesia rebirth cycle thing is possibly correct, some sources/people claim that we're in a "trap", and that there's a way to exit from this prison system.

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