Buffalo Shooting Suspect Payton Gendron Appeared in Court This Morning

French and Dutch and Flemish and at least one man believed to be Norwegian, another who may have been of Polish extraction, free blacks as well as enslaved people of African birth or descent. And a man named Anthony van Sallee, born in Morocco to a Dutchman and a Morrocan mother (his Koran is with the New-York Historical Society; Jackie O. and Cornelius Vanderbilt may have been descendants: van Sallee's wife was a Dutch sex worker who asked the midwife who her first baby, a daughter, had been fathered by - the poor woman said: "If you don't know, how should I?" Not making this up.) And others from elsewhere, too. Quite an interesting lot, actually. There's a very good book by Russell Shorto: Island in the Centre of the World (where I got the who's the daddy anecdote) about New York when it was Dutch.

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