Buffon: "I want to play until I'm 50. If Italy don't qualify for this World Cup, I guess I'll wait for the next one"

HOLY FCK. this man and his obsession for playing till 50.. fck off like really? you are just hampering the team that you are playing. And I am damn sure he is damn serious about playing till 50...wtf? just don't be a burden to your team. These are the people who are scared of life after football Like zlatan as they neither have brand, nor have invested in anything useful that takes some time to do and neither have any educational degree to work in other fields as well.

This trend of players playing till death is getting out of hand. At beginning, it was so nice to see legends playing as long as possible. But once they stopped being good and helpful for the team, I was so fucked.

And you can see teams with 35+ age old players as main man, and you can see that they are struggling. T. Silva is an exception here imo. Exception don't make the rules.

/r/soccer Thread Link - gazzetta.it