"But why aren't you just an egalitarian if you believe in equality?"

Your George Bush-ian "you're either with us or against us" is the root problem here. You should say, "Oh good, more people want equality!" but you're too busy being tribal. The label of "egalitarian" is newer than "feminist", so of course there isn't going to be as much of a history. That's not a reason to dismiss it.

No, I'm asling you to be accountable to something you claim to be apart of. LGBT activism is fairly new to and they've made huge global strides in 10-15 years alone; what's your excuse? Besides your movement not actually giving a crap and fighting people who do.

"Being tribal"....you literally joined a group to rival another. You post in mens rights which opposes feminism and you hate people for their weight. If we're talking tribal, you're quite savage.

...but I care about rights for everyone? I don't think feminists are a problem or anything, even though you seem to paint me that way. You shouldn't feel so threatened. It's just that feminism doesn't cover all bases, even though people like you seem to think it does.

It covers more bases than 0, which is what you MRA's cover. I'm not threstened by a group whose only claim to fame is flooding a rape crises center with false reports to discredit victims. It's only sad that you guys use men's issues as a shield for misogyny and social conservatism. But just like egalitarianism, you don't actually do anything to help the situation.

Yeah, I actually have a problem with people glorifying unhealthy lifestyles that hurt the environment and cost everyone money. It's not a skin color or gender. We shouldn't be encouraging gluttony.

So you hate yourselves? Bullying and harassing people who have done no wrong, even when they're at the gym! How stupid and insecure is that? The actual science says discriminating and bullying overweight people drives them to eat more, so you're actually worsening the problem.

All of you have lifestyles that hurt the environment and cost money; your smartphone full of precious rare earth minerals and an ion battery are a bigger dentriment to the environment than a burger and fries by a long shot; but you seem to think you're morally superior. And there are genetic and multiple health factors that contribute to weight gain; but just like any bigot, you don't care about the facts.

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