Why do we have butthair? Why did we evolve to have butthair? I mean the hair around the hole where the fecal matter snakes out of. Does anyone else have their fecies get stuck on this hair? How do ladies deal with this?

There is no one answer to this question as there is no one reason why we have hair on our bodies. While the function of hair varies from individual to individual, it generally serves to protect our skin from the elements and helps regulate our body temperature. In terms of evolution, hair may have initially developed as a way to ward off predators or keep warm in cold climates. However, the reasons why we have hair in specific areas, such as our buttocks, remain largely unknown. Some individuals may find that hair around the anus helps to trap feces and prevent soiling, while others may simply prefer the aesthetic appeal of a hairy bum! Ultimately, it is up to each person to decide whether or not they want to remove their butt hair.

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