Can any former players help me with conditioning?

No, it’s usually 16 110s that equates to a metric mile. Anyway that’s what I did in 1999 and it was the most tired I’ve ever been in my life. For ours I think linemen had to make it in 18 seconds? LBs and QBs 16, & RBs/WRs like 14 with 45 seconds of rest in between. So it’s not a balls out “sprint” to make the time, but it damn sure isn’t a jig either. You’ll need to probably sprint the first 80 and gear down the last 30 or so. Usually the coach will count down the seconds. Keep doing the short sprints, but work in a mile or two AND 200 meters and 400 meters. In all honesty it’s a stupid test for this game, but it is definitely a gauge of if your cardio is right or not. I wouldn’t want to do it again without prepping for it. It’s not something anyone can just pass without intense training.

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