Can you guys help me with a list of "Parental Advisory episodes"?

Do you think I'm overreacting?

I mean, it's all subjective. I started watching the show live when I was about 5/6. At that age, a lot of the themes (mostly sexual related) were kinda lost on my at that point. I didn't find anything that terrifying, but again, that's subjective and you'd have to know the person to make that call.

My personal, "Episodes to watch out for":

  • Smashed - Some of the most graphic sex in the show

  • Dead things - Lots of sex

  • Intervention - Buffybot sex with Spike

  • Where the Wild Things Are - An episode so sexy is rose a supernatural force!

But really with this question, you have to know the person. Some 12/13-year-olds a pretty mature by that point. They've got the whole sex thing figured out and they're socially aware of issues such as rape, sexual abuse/violence, drugs, death/mortality etc.

As I said, for me I missed a lot of the meaning due to my age when the show was live. I mean by the time it finished I was teenager, so it's slightly difference.

My personal opinion is that 12 is fine, as long as the 12-year-old in question is at least of average maturity for their age.

This is such a personal opinion/situation based question, though.

What I might find inappropriate, you may not and vice versa :)

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