What is everyone’s least favourite BTVS episode?

I know I’m going to regret putting this out there, but I cannot stand Welcome To The Hellmouth/The Harvest (I view them as one episode, since that was how I saw them originally). No exaggeration, it almost killed the entire show for me, except I have a rule where I will not quit a series until I’ve seen at least the first four episodes, to give it a chance to develop.

But that episode. Man, I hate that episode. To me, it pretty much encapsulates everything that was wrong with cheap scifi television shows at the time. From the cheesy, trilling music whenever Buffy did a flip or jump of any kind, to all the really, really cliché high school banter. I can still hear Willow saying “Oh my God, Jesse!!” and it gets me annoyed all over again. This episode almost killed Buffy for me.

I get it, I’m wrong. I’ve heard it all; it’s an iconic classic and sets up an entire masterpiece of a show. I get it. But as far as I’m concerned, Buffy The Vampire Slayer begins with Witch.

/r/buffy Thread