Can I learn to tolerate, makes me feel small.

Wow you ladies make me feel a tad empowered.

Well you shouldn't do. This nonsense you are being told here is how you end up divorced & miserable, with 3 cats.

If you make irrational demands of him, you are just the miserable shrew he'll divorce to get away from, or he'll ignore you, you'll become even more irrational, till eventually you divorce him, either way you'll be alone & he'll hate you.

Because demanding that he not see images of naked women is in fact irrationality. Why would you ever think it was your right to ban him from seeing porn? Does he have the right to ban you from reading those porn books you pretend are "romance novels?" Would you consider him controlling if he did? Would you eventually get sick of him trying to control what you can and cannot consume, media wise, till eventually you became bitter about how controlling he is?

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